2020年3月16日 星期一


Coronavirus  冠狀病毒
1.Middle  East    Respiratory  Syndrome
 ( Mers    中東呼吸症候群  )
2.Novel  Coronavirus  新型冠狀病毒
3.New  Strain  
 Strain  n  變形  ( 壓力,重壓而變形  )
4.Novel Coronavirus-  CoviD-19
Co-  Corona
5. Some might suffer from minor symptoms.
6.  Pneumonia   n急性肺炎

7.Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by microorganisms, which generally lead to difficulty in breathing.
8.  We inhale oxygen-rich air.
9.Alveoli  n肺泡
10.          Alevolis are surrounded by blood capillaries.
   Capillary   n.微血管
11 inhale harmful microorganisms
12.cilia   n.纖毛
13.Mucous   n. 黏液
14  Trap    v  困住 –ped    -ped
      Trap these microorganisms
15   Expelled  while coughing

16Don’t get trapped and reach the alveoli.

17. There they start to multiply.
  Multiply   v繁殖
18.Inflammation and accumulation of fluid
 Inflammation   n 發炎
Accumulation    n.累積
19. The inhaled oxygen cannot get easily diffused into blood.

   diffuse   v   傳播,滲透

2020年3月8日 星期日

1.puppet  n木偶,魁儡
2.cupboard n壁櫥
3 twinkle    v閃爍
4.fairy   n小仙女
5.fly  v    flew  flown
6.fly over飛到…….上方
7. fulfill your wish   實現你的願望
   fulfill   v屢行
8.tap v輕敲    -ped    -ped
9.wand   n魔杖
  She tapped the puppet one time with
  her wand.   
10. spell  n咒語
11 cricket   n蟋蟀
12 fair  n市集,博覽會
13  in full swing    活耀,正熱鬧
   The puppet show was running in full    

14 teach sb. a lesson  教訓某人
    He will teach  you a lesson.
15 rob  v搶劫  -bed   -bed

16 buggy   n輕便馬車
   He had an astonishing buggy.
17.dock  n碼頭
18 giant whale 巨大的鯨魚
19.gulp   v狼吞虎嚥
20  make a fire    生火
21  sneeze   v打噴嚏
22 in a flash    一下子
23  swoosh  v嗖地發射  -ed   -ed
  The same big star swooshed into Geppetto’s room.
24 Geppetto carved a puppet from wood in the shape of a boy.

2019年11月18日 星期一



A new study says that a change in health recommendations might lead to lower cholesterol levels and more treatment for people with high levels of heart disease risk.
Dr. Pankaj Arora, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, led the study. The news "is very heartening," Arora said, "but there is more to do."

*heartening   adj.令人振奮的  
Heart disease is the world's leading killer
Heart disease is the world's leading killer and high cholesterol is a key risk factor. Doctors have long treated patients based mostly on their level of so-called "bad" cholesterol, known as LDL.
In 2013, new guidelines in the United States urged doctors to examine people's overall heart risk. In other words, the guidelines recommended that doctors consider age, blood pressure, diabetes and other factors.
The idea was that people with the highest risk would get the most benefit from cholesterol-lowering medications called statins.
Research and findings
The researchers studied records from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These records tracked cholesterol information from more than 32,000 adults between 2005 and 2016.
Among people taking statins, the average level of "bad" cholesterol dropped 21 points over the study period. Total cholesterol levels and another kind of fat in the blood also decreased.
The researchers reported their findings in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Dr. Michael Miller is a heart disease expert at the University of Maryland Medical Center. He was not involved with the study.
Miller said, "these are surprisingly impressive results" that together predict a 15 to 20 percent reduction in risk of heart attacks and strokes.
In addition, there was an increase in statin use by people with diabetes. Over the study period, that number increased from less than half to over 60 percent.
"It's very important for those with a diagnosis of diabetes to not get that first heart attack," said Dr. Neil J. Stone of Northwestern University. Stone led the development of the 2013 guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. He also co-wrote an update last year.
Dr. Arora warned that other high-risk groups have not seen an increase in treatment. He added that still too many people do not know if they have a cholesterol problem.
The advice for patients? Dr. Miller suggested getting a cholesterol check if you have not had one recently.
I'm John Russell.
